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Don't rush

I’m a “fixer”. Always have been. I think it’s actually built into my DNA. If I see a problem, I want to fix it. If a friend or a loved one has a problem, I want to at least help fix it.

I don’t think this is a bad quality to have. However, I do sometimes try and fix things as a knee jerk reaction. I’m in such a hurry sometimes to keep things on track, that I don’t always take the time to look at all the options.

This was evident recently. I was in a situation where things were going seriously wrong and my instinct…was to fix it! Immediately!

My amazing wife though, was the one who had to tell me to take a breath, slow down, and think about the situation. This really struck a chord with me as the night before I’d been reading the Bubishi. It said:

If you rush, your path will be narrow, but by keeping one step back, the way will be wide.

Talk about coincidence!

So I did exactly that. I slowed down, looked at all my options and the problem was dealt with in the best way possible.

It sounds simple doesn’t it, but how easy is it to get caught up in your own head, and not stop to take a breath and think about things?

This is also a great example of the precept “Karate goes beyond the dojo”. That’s for another post though.

For me, I’ve never had a problem (when it comes to kumite) to take my time. Get a feel for my opponent. What leg do they favour? What combo do they like? How do they move? Once you know, it’s makes the fight more manageable (doesn’t mean I win, but I have more control over things).

I just need to take that mentality and try and apply it to every day life. After all, it’s always good to stop sometimes, take a breath and carry on.

So where can you slow down or taking a step back? Maybe work, maybe you’re relationship, maybe just life in general. who knows what will transpire from it, but at least you’ll have options.




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